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TurboTax refuses to accept a legitimate physical address for a rental address

The error message provided, when trying to NetFile my father’s taxes, is the following:
Your business or rental address is missing information (i.e. number and street) or it has a character that can't be used. These include an ampersand (&) an asterisk (*), spaces after the entry or a period as a first or last character. All address fields must also begin and end with an alpha or numeric character. As well, your postal code must be valid and match your Province of residence.


The address provided is as such:
583 Street

British Columbia


This is a 100% correct address as provided by Canada Post (we confirmed using the Canada Post address finder, just to eliminate any chance at error). How can I force TurboTax to accept this address such that we can still netfile? My father has tried every single possible variation of this address, from spaces in the postal code to multiple variations of Avenue from the full word to abbreviations.

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TurboTax refuses to accept a legitimate physical address for a rental address

Please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.