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How do I delete Social assistance income that I did not receive?

Can I delete Social Assistance income posted on my account that I did not receive?
3 Replies

How do I delete Social assistance income that I did not receive?

If you received the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) on your Old Age Security T4A(OAS), the amount shown in Box 21 - Net Supplements Paid will show up as Social Assistance Income on your tax return.
To Delete using TurboTax Free:
  1. Click on Find in the top right-hand corner
  2. Type in T5007
  3. Click on Go

*It will then take you to the spot where the social assistance is entered and you can simply delete the slip.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax Online.
New Member

How do I delete Social assistance income that I did not receive?


[email address removed] 

New Member

How do I delete Social assistance income that I did not receive?

Thanks for the information. I didn' realize that. That does make sense.