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New Member

I don't qualify for the Ontario Trillium Benefit so why is the annual estimated amount on my tax review? I did not apply for it. I don't want to get audited.

I don't qualify for the Ontario Trillium Benefit so why is the annual estimated amount on my tax review? I did not apply for it. I don't want to get audited.
2 Replies
New Member

I don't qualify for the Ontario Trillium Benefit so why is the annual estimated amount on my tax review? I did not apply for it. I don't want to get audited.

I am using Turbo Tax Online.

I don't qualify for the Ontario Trillium Benefit so why is the annual estimated amount on my tax review? I did not apply for it. I don't want to get audited.

TurboTax will show the estimates for Ontario Trillium Benefit even if you have chosen not to take the credit.


You can check that you have said No to the credit by going back to the provincial section.