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Returning Member

I keep filling in line 23 with the information 12 months, but this information is being ignored or rejected.

No it will not accept anything in the box on her return even though the T4A(P) slip

3 Replies

I keep filling in line 23 with the information 12 months, but this information is being ignored or rejected.

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New Member

I keep filling in line 23 with the information 12 months, but this information is being ignored or rejected.

I have recieved 2 T4P one seems to be for disability and the other is just retirement income. One of them lists 12 months and the other is simply blank. How are these calculated? Or how can I calculate this?

I keep filling in line 23 with the information 12 months, but this information is being ignored or rejected.

Just enter it as it is shown on your T4A(P) even if it doesn't show how many months.


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