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New Member

Re: Line 115 consists of the following amounts: Enter foreig...

Does this this guidance apply for the United Nations retired pension too? I do not have any other income rather than UNSJPF.  

3 Replies

Re: Line 115 consists of the following amounts: Enter foreig...

@Rhmross If your United Nations retired pension is tax exempt, then it is not eligible for pension splitting and will not appear on Line 11500 of your tax return.

New Member

Re: Line 115 consists of the following amounts: Enter foreig...

Regarding this response:

If the United Nations retired pension will not appear on Line 11500 of the tax return, where is it supposed to be?

Re: Line 115 consists of the following amounts: Enter foreig...

You should see this amount on line 25600 on your income tax return. 


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