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How do I claim the Disability Tax Credit?

by TurboTax Updated 3 weeks ago

To qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), you must have a certified Form T2201 (DTC application) on file with the CRA, or the CRA will reject your claim.

If you’re eligible, TurboTax will calculate the credit and automatically apply it to your balance, which helps reduce how much you owe.

To claim the DTC, first fill out your personal information and build your tax profile in TurboTax, then follow these steps:

  1. Select Find from the menu.
  2. Enter disability in the Find window.
  3. Select Disability Amount from the options that appear, then select Go.
  4. When the Disability Amount screen appears, answer all the questions, then select Continue.
  5. Repeat the steps for any additional claims.

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