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Dormant corp -just passive income from investments. Relatively small income. How much am I saving by using Turbotax vs an accountant?

I recently submitted my taxes via Turbotax for Small Business. 
It came back with some corrections which I still have to review
However I am wondering if the amount owing could have been saved if I used the services of an accountant for this.
I ended up paying 500 more and the software was around 300
How much would I pay to an accountant these days for a small corp like this ?

Thank you

1 Reply

Dormant corp -just passive income from investments. Relatively small income. How much am I saving by using Turbotax vs an accountant?

Unfortunately, we don't know the amount you'll pay for an accountant. Use an accountant or the software is your decision. Here is the link to TurboTax Business software.  You'll find some information on the software and services, and we suggest you to have a look at this FAQ about it.


If you think the software miscalculated some information, if you need assistance with TurboTax Business Incorporated or preparing your incorporated business tax return (T2), you can contact the dedicated support team using the chat.

Agents are available 9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST, Monday to Friday.

You can also visit the Intuit Profile support site. TurboTax Business Incorporated is based off Profile software.


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