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How do I enter the student rent I pay?

I am looking for what section to put in how much in rent I paid this year, but I am unsure where to add it.

1 Reply

How do I enter the student rent I pay?

What province do you live in? Most provinces don’t have a rent credit. If you live in a province that does, you will find it in the provincial part of the TurboTax Interview. You can get there by clicking on Provincial, then Provincial Tax Credit Profile in the left side menu.


If you live in Ontario, it will ask you if you lived in a student residence when you are in the Trillium Benefit section. If you answer ‘Yes’, you will get $25 for the property tax component of the OEPTC for the part of the year that you lived in that residence.


This TurboTax Article has more information regarding rent credits: Can I claim a tax deduction for my rent?


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