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I get an "Oops, we encountered an error" screen while going through the self employment income steps. There is no way to get past it. How can I finish my return?

I spent over an hour on the phone with "support" but they went through the usual "do you know how to use a computer" checklist. Yes, I do. Is there anyway to submit a ticket? It's a server-side software problem.
2 Replies
New Member

I get an "Oops, we encountered an error" screen while going through the self employment income steps. There is no way to get past it. How can I finish my return?

I'm having the exact same issue 

I get an "Oops, we encountered an error" screen while going through the self employment income steps. There is no way to get past it. How can I finish my return?

I too am having the exact same issue. Ive tried everything (including waiting a few days and coming back to it)