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I have T4FHSA that I made in 2024 (8,000 CAD). But when I do the tax return with Turbotax, The available room is $0, I can’t write my amount and can’t sent it by online.

It’s supposed to be calculated by my T4FHSA, But I don’t know who will adjust my available room, where should I send the T4FHSA to prove that I have contributed last year
1 Reply

I have T4FHSA that I made in 2024 (8,000 CAD). But when I do the tax return with Turbotax, The available room is $0, I can’t write my amount and can’t sent it by online.

If you are using TurboTax Online, you will go to the Income section—T4FHSA—once you open the sheet up, make sure that you enter the $8000 in box 18 or any other number box where it shows an amount. If you can't find the T4FHSA, you will need to go to the top search bar and type in T4FHSA and click on First Home Savings Account Statement, and once it opens up, you will be able to enter your $8000. Once entered and saved, you will be able to click above your return on View Detailed Tax Summary and find line number 20805. This is where your $8000 should appear. 


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