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Returning Member

locked forms after transferring 2020 data

Is there a fix to unlock sections?  I am stuck after transferring 2020 data over I am able to select person file and see there information and then cannot get past Return Limit Information and Let's do your taxes with list of Provinces pages and then just loops back.  Never had this issue with any previous years turbotax.

3 Replies

locked forms after transferring 2020 data

I too am having this problem and cannot complete anything on my return.

locked forms after transferring 2020 data

The fix for this issue:  When you are in the top right of your Turbo Tax screen click on Text Size and reduce the size of your text by several clicks.  Scroll back down to the bottom of your screen where we select the province and you should now see a Continue key.  Click on the Continue key and you should be good to go now.

Returning Member

locked forms after transferring 2020 data

Thank you so much!