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New Member

Medical year suggests error but it is correct

I have entered the year I wish to use for my medical expenses and it is correct. But when I review my return, it tells me the year is incorrect (more than 12 months). Is this an error in the program? This is what shows on screen:

21/03/2023 Beginning

20/03/2024 end

3 Replies

Medical year suggests error but it is correct

Please choose  Medical receipts - 2023 (Unclaimed receipts only) and continue. Then add the same period from 21/03/2023 - 20/03/2024. We have tried on our end and it is not giving any error. 

We also suggest to clearing cookies and cache or using a different browser.


Thanks for choosing TurboTax.


New Member

Medical year suggests error but it is correct

Sorry, no luck. I cleared the cache and deleted all cookies, even restarted my machine and switched from Foxfire to Edge, same problem:

Errors 1
Medical expenses can only be claimed for a 12 month period ending in 2024. The period you've indicated is greater than 12 months.

Medical year suggests error but it is correct

Please contact our phone support so that they can screenshare to see the issues so they can assist you to get this issue resolved.