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activation code

I am having issues downloading the program I bought. It will not take my licence  code. I even created a new account to see if that would work. 

1 Reply

activation code

First, please make sure that you have purchased the right product. The codes for TurboTax Online will not work with TurboTax Desktop & vice-versa.


Second, if you bought TurboTax at a retailer (Costco, Walmart, Staples, etc…), please make sure that you are using the code that came in the package. It may be on a slip of paper or on a scratch-off card. It is not on the outside of the box or on your receipt.


If you have bought TurboTax Online, please go to to use your code before you start your returns. You can see this TurboTax FAQ for step-by-step instructions: In TurboTax Online, how do I use a prepayment code?


If you have bought TurboTax Desktop, you will be asked for the licence code when you install the software. Please see this TurboTax FAQ for more information on the licence code: Where is my TurboTax licence code?

You can download the current version of the TurboTax Desktop edition here: Choose the 2022 TurboTax edition you need (for Windows). You can download older versions of TurboTax Desktop edition here: Where can I download the CD/download edition of TurboTax?


If you are still not able to resolve your code issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.