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Coupon Code for discount

I have been using Turbo Tax for years and notice that BMO Customers receive 20% OFF.  What coupon code do I enter to get this now.  When I click the link with BMO it wants me to create a NEW Account.  Why would I do that when I have been an existing customer of Turbo Tax for 3+ years.  I just want the coupon code to enter at checkout.

5 Replies
Returning Member

Coupon Code for discount



You don't need a coupon code in order to claim your exclusive BMO offer. You can visit and click get started or sign in from that page and the discount will be added to your cart 😊

New Member

Coupon Code for discount

Hi there, when I follow the BMO link from my customer website, the link takes me to the turbotaxonline portal and requires me to start to file a return. I would like to use the 20% discount code to purchase the desktop standard (up to 8 returns) version. How can I get this to happen, please? Thanks.

Coupon Code for discount

@flower7  Please check if that discount is offered for TurboTax Online version only or it is applicable to TurboTax Desktop version as well.

New Member

Coupon Code for discount

It's a link that takes you to the online page, and has no other information associated with it. I don't see why TurboTax would discriminate between people who file one online return versus a desktop version for their family's returns. That would be odd.


Coupon Code for discount

If your BMO TurboTax Discount link brings you to Online version, this means your 20% discount is offered only on TurboTax Online product. Third parties discount are decided by the companies that offering it to their employees or customers. You will have to verify with BMO if they offer any other kind of discount for TurboTax products.


At the moment, we don't offer any discount on TurboTax Desktop and normally, it is send by email, randomly, by our marketing department.


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