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New Member

Software crash

I have been using Turbo Tax Canada online for a couple of weeks and the system keeps kicking me out. I started a return for 2022 and completed most of it and then the software will crash, give me a picture of a puppy saying its Turbo tax end and its being fixed. I've waited for days, then tried again. I still could not continue the return. I called support and the lady had no idea what to do even though we screen shared for her to see the problem. She told me later I should contact CRA about the issue. why???? Has nothing to do with CRA since everything has been transferred over and connected. I was convinced to try a new return, which I did. Again I was able to complete most of it, until yet, again I get the same error and can not complete my return. Which now leads to frustration.

Please fix this issue.

4 Replies
New Member

Software crash

I am having the same issue, any luck yet?

New Member

Software crash

I had the same issue today. No luck getting back into my return.

Returning Member

Software crash

This is really bad that so many of us are having this issue.  I've been having this issue for 4 days now.  I have used 3 different web browsers and two different computers (in different towns so connected to different wifi/servers.  Why is Turbotax not answering people or making some type of a statement?  

New Member

Software crash

Update: The issue for me had something to do with the fact that my son was selected as the eligible dependent on my previous year's taxes. I started a new return and was able to select my daughter instead and it allowed me to complete the return.