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New Member

Tax summary bug after entering investment income!

The Schedule 3 entry is clearly buggy.  I entered my first investment trade with a net profit of $784.34 and this is what the tax summary showed afterwards:




Clearly, Trudeau expects me to pay off all of Canada's debt!

2 Replies

Tax summary bug after entering investment income!

At this time, some CRA forms are still being reviewed by them for the 2024 tax season, which could explain why some calculations are not done correctly or do not appear. As soon as they are ready, TurboTax will be updated accordingly.

Thanks for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Tax summary bug after entering investment income!

Yes, I honestly expect that to be the case given the government only just changed capital gains inclusion rate calculations.


I am posting it more for the sense of humour in being taxed enough to pay off the entire Canadian goverment debt at all government levels 182 times over.