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Can i change my auto-fill data to manual?

need to add  more slips to auto-fill
4 Replies

Can i change my auto-fill data to manual?

Hi. Can I change my data input from auto-fill to manual?  Need to input on different slips

Can i change my auto-fill data to manual?

If you have already used auto-fill, then you can go in and add other slips if you need to. You can also delete or change the slips that were brought in by Auto-Fill.

Returning Member

Can i change my auto-fill data to manual?

How do I get back to auto-fill screen?  There doesnt seem to be a way once you skip.  Help is not helpful at all, and most of it is still setup for 2023 and the top and side nav have change a bunch in 2024.  I did my carryovers from 2023 weeks ago, and clicked skip on auto-fill since no FI's or businesses has filed them with CRA at that point.  Now that some have filed with CRA, I can get back into that screen on TurboTax. The nav is deficient from previous versions.





ps: the old Forms search that was available on real version of Turbotax and Quicktax was super helpful.  I wish the new software was not so dumbed down for the masses. aka give us an 'advanced user' button.

Can i change my auto-fill data to manual?



Auto-Fill (AFR) for 2024 is not available from the CRA yet. It will be available on February 10, 2025. At that time there will be a button on the Tax Home page for it.


TurboTax Desktop is still available and it still has Forms mode.