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Returning Member

Line 30300

My income is $52K. My wife does not want to work here. What would be the tax credits when she files. If she does not file, how much can I claim. Province is Ontario, and no kids

1 Reply

Line 30300

If you supported your wife, at any time in the year 2021, and their net income (line 23600 of their return, or the amount it would be if they filed a return) was less than your basic personal amount (or your basic personal amount plus $2,273, if they were dependent on you because of an impairment in physical or mental functions), you can claim the spousal or common-law partner amount.


You might also be eligible for other tax credits if they are applicable to your situations such as age amount, medical expenses tax credit, etc. Find out more about these tax credit amounts on the CRA website.


Please note that Both of you cannot claim this amount for each other for the same year.


If you need further help, please reach out to us through our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter where our experts will be more than happy to answer your questions with details in a quick and effective manner.


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