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Work from home expenses in a hybrid role

TurboTax asks for an annual amount for heat, hydro, electricity, water, etc. There was a field in previous versions of TurboTax whereby a user could input the number of days worked from home. That field no longer exists. Should there not be a field as two users might have identical expenses however one user may have worked 111 days of the year whereas the second user might have worked 245 days from home in the tax year? This is especially important for hybrid roles. The calculations of allowable expenses should be different based on the number of days worked - in the detailed method. 

1 Reply

Work from home expenses in a hybrid role

If there is an option for a percentage amount, you could us 30% for  the lower amount of days, and 67% for the person that worked at home the most, after you make a determination for the personal portion of expenses.

For instance, take 50% of expenses as personal and then take the remainder of expenses times 30% and the same amount times 67%.