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Does Netfile Work for Filing Taxes 3+ Years Old?

Filing a T1 from 2019. I noticed that CRA mentions that Netfile will re-open on February 24th, 2025 for the 2024 tax year. Is it currently still open to use for filing for previous years?

All responses are highly appreciated!

3 Replies

Does Netfile Work for Filing Taxes 3+ Years Old?

 CRA has shut down for the roll over. Netfile will re-open and ready to accept TY24 and prior years on February 24, 2025.


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New Member

Does Netfile Work for Filing Taxes 3+ Years Old?

I assume that means you cannot 'refile' a previous year through netfile until feb 24th as well??


Does Netfile Work for Filing Taxes 3+ Years Old?

@LKAWA Yes, that's correct. However, depending on the change that you need to make, you might be able to do it through the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) MyAccount service. You can also fill out and mail a T1-ADJ T1 Adjustment Request.