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filing rejected by CRA Completed and submitted our returns. Reply states that "your federal return was not accepted by the CRA'. States that data is invalid, or mandatory info missing. I have been back through form several times can't find any errors or i

1 Reply

filing rejected by CRA Completed and submitted our returns. Reply states that "your federal return was not accepted by the CRA'. States that data is invalid, or mandatory info missing. I have been back through form several times can't find any errors or i

Is this the first time you have filed a return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)? If so, you will likely not be able to NETFILE and will have to print & mail your return.


If this is not the first time they have filed, please review your NETFILE eligibility on this CRA webpage:


Also, if you entered a NETFILE Access Code (NAC), please double check that it is correct and has all 8 characters. You can also try submitting your return without the NAC. The NAC is optional and not required to file your return.


If you are still unable to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they can look at your return with you to find the problem.