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Was anyone provided a solution that works to the TT401 Error?

5 Replies

Was anyone provided a solution that works to the TT401 Error?

The TT401 indicates that an error has occurred while saving your return. This message usually occurs because you are trying to save to a location that:

  • You don’t have permission to save to (ex: another user’s folder)
  • Is not available (ex: a USB drive that’s been removed)
  • Has another issue, such as it’s full, or read only

So please double check where you are saving your file.


You can also try saving the file to a different place (such as the desktop) or with a different name. To do this, choose File> Save As from the top left corner.


You might have security software which is blocking TurboTax from saving files.


If you have Windows 11, turn off Controlled Folder Access or allow TurboTax in the Controlled Folder Access settings. 


There also may be an issue with your installation of TurboTax. You should uninstall it and then use the download from our website to reinstall it. You can download TurboTax from here: Where can I get the Desktop edition of TurboTax?



Was anyone provided a solution that works to the TT401 Error?

I have full access to my PC as the Administrator, however I did try saving to different locations as well as the desktop with no resolve.  The disc is not read only and I have plenty of disc space.  I uninstalled then reinstalled and have the same issue.  I'm running Win 10 and windows defender doesn't appear to be the issue either.  I also tried running TT as the Administrator and again no resolve.  I guess my next step is uninstalling the program and downloading from the website.  I'll be back for more solutions if that doesn't work

Was anyone provided a solution that works to the TT401 Error?

No, downloading the software from the website and then reinstalling hasn't resolved the issue.

I may go straight to the CRA website and do my taxes there.  Save a few $$ and frustrations.

Was anyone provided a solution that works to the TT401 Error?

@user644276532 If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.

New Member

Was anyone provided a solution that works to the TT401 Error?

I was able to fix this on my Windows 10 system.

> load up windows security

> select Virus & Threat Protection

> select virus & threat protection settings

> select Controlled folder access, then Manage controlled folder access

> select Allow An App Though controlled folder access

> select the +  Add an allowed app

> choose Recently blocked Apps

> choose the TurboTax file name "tt2023.exe"


Worked for me...  good luck !