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What do I put in the "GST/HST Collected" Section?

I've been trying to figure out what to put in the gst/hst section, and when I check here for answers it's not giving me permission to view.. So I'll ask.


I filed my GST/HST on the government site, what information to I put in the GST/HST Collected section of my filing on turbotax?


Sorry if my wording is confusing, this is my first year filing as a business with a GST/HST number.

3 Replies

What do I put in the "GST/HST Collected" Section?

You would enter the total GST/HST collected or collectible from your GST/HST return, plus the addition info that's asked for if you used quick method.


What do I put in the "GST/HST Collected" Section?

Would this be the same amount I filed on my CRA business filing?

What do I put in the "GST/HST Collected" Section?

Yes, what you put on your GST/HST return.