Sean A
New Member

I cannot download the software I purchased on February 1. Site will not accept my product code. Have all receipt information. Nowhere to contact for support!!!.


Getting started

If you have bought TurboTax Online, then there is nothing to download. Instead, please go to to login and use your code before you start your returns. You can see this TurboTax FAQ for step-by-step instructions: In TurboTax Online, how do I use a prepayment code?


If you have bought TurboTax CD/Download, you can download the current version of TurboTax CD/download edition here:  Choose the 2021 TurboTax edition you need (for Windows). Then you can install the software using the instructions on this TurboTax FAQ: How do I install TurboTax for the current tax year after I download it from the Internet?