How do I change the version of turbo tax I am using?


Getting started

Are you using TurboTax Desktop or TurboTax Online? Do you want to upgrade or downgrade?

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I’m using the online version for my daughter under 19, it was free and is now charging $15 and I want to downgrade. It is a super easy return, I don’t need any help.

Getting started

Unfortunately, once you have upgraded or added features to your TurboTax return, there is no way to downgrade or remove the extra features. You would need to create a new return to go back to the original product. 


To start a new return, select “Start a New Return” from under “My Returns” in the top left corner. Once you have started your new return, you can select “View All Returns” from under “My Accounts & Returns”. Then delete the unwanted return by clicking the small Trash Can next to it or “Delete” under the return’s name.

New Member

Getting started

I purchased the online deluxe version thinking it was the downloadable  version. I have have not installed the user key yet. How can I change it. 

Getting started

@Nancywagg The codes for TurboTax Online will not work with TurboTax Desktop & vice-versa. If you bought the wrong version, you can get a refund and then buy the one you need.

If you bought TurboTax from a retailer (ex: Costco, Staples, Walmart, etc), please use this form to get a refund


Make sure you add a clear screenshot or picture of your receipt, showing the date of purchase, name of the store, software you bought and price paid.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Getting started

I purchased Deluxe Online Version and did go so far as to transfer my personal info from 2023 to 2024.  Then I realized this was not the download version.  I do not feel comfortable with my sin number and birthdate, etc. on your company servers.  I actually wanted the Standard download version.  How can we fix this?  Can someone telephone me?

Getting started

@smlb64 If you bought the wrong version, you can get a refund and then buy the one you need. If you bought TurboTax from a 3rd party retailer (ex: Costco, Staples, Walmart), please use this form to get a refund

Make sure you add a clear screenshot or picture of your receipt, showing the date of purchase, name of the store, software you bought and price paid.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Getting started

I purchased basic Turbo tax software from Costco  but like to upgrade to online version at premier level. Is there a possibility to do so?

Getting started

I would like to upgrade from desk top version to online version