Can I download .tt22 files from online so that I can import info into the software this year? I do my tax on my computer. Mistakenly did it online last year. Thanks! ?


Importing your data

Unfortunately, you can’t transfer information from TurboTax Online into TurboTax CD/Download.

Importing your data

Thanks for your response. One more thing I am not sure about while filing with TurboTax. Under Provincial, Climate Action Incentive. I was asked to confirm if I had lived outside some metropolitan areas with a check box. Am I answering YES or No by putting a marking in the box? It is quite confusing. Thank you.

Importing your data

When checking off the box it means that you live outside of some metropolitan area. 

New Member

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  • Thank you Susan for your answer. It is really helpful.

Importing your data

You are welcome.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

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I see from Susan's response that you can't transfer/download .tt22 files if you used turbo tax online last year.  I did the same thing and would like to know why this isn't an option.  It really discourages using turbo tax online.  Surely this can be made an option.

Importing your data

@joeboy TurboTax Online doesn't generate .ttxx files, as it's not based on the desktop software.

Returning Member

Importing your data

Why is this possible for USA Turbotax users and not Canadians to download the tt22/ .ttxx files online?


Instructions:[product key ...

Importing your data

@pancakecar The Canadian editions of TurboTax are not based off of the US software.