Importing your data

Please review the link below to assist you in transferring last year's information into this year's tax return with the downloaded version of the software: 

In TurboTax CD/Download, how do I transfer my information (carry forward amounts etc.) from my previous year's tax return?

Yet, you have indicated above that you are using the online version of the software, so if that is the case, here is the link to help you transfer prior years over in the online version of the software:

In TurboTax Online, how do I transfer my information (personal details, carry forward amounts, etc.) from my previous year's tax return?

Footnote:  If you are online, it is always recommended to clear your browser cache before starting, to ensure that your browser makes a smooth transition through completing your return.  Here are instructions to do that (if needed):

How do I clear my cache (browsing history)?