
Are you seeing a page that reads "Your Self-employment Profile for 2017"? You can also use the "Find" tool to search for "Self-Employment". You can check off all that applies there but most people only need to check "Professional, Commission, and/or Other type of business". 

Click the "Continue" button, then "Add" a business or click on "Edit" if your business is already there. Select "Other type of business" if none of the others apply.

Click the "Continue" button, and you should see a long page of things to fill out. If you scroll down under the website stuff, there is an "Income" section, with a box that says "Sales, commissions, or fees". You put your income there. 

Don't forget to fill out anything else on the form that applies to you, like the "Business Identification" section on top and the various expenses boxes.

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