
The easiest way to remove that 2nd form is by going to the Forms view and clearing/closing.

  1. In Forms mode (Click the button marked Forms in the upper right), click on the tab named to the right of your spouse's name at the very bottom of the screen. This brings up a list of all the forms on your spouse's return.
  2. Select one of the T2091 forms. If it's the one that's incorrect - great! If not, click the Forms tab again and select the other one. The form you want to get rid of has to be the one on screen.
  3. Once the T2091 you want to delete is on the screen, click the Edit button in the upper left and select Forms ~ Clear current form.
  4. Once the form is clear, click the Edit button again and select Forms ~ closed unused forms. The form will close.
  5. To return to the Easy Step Interview, click the icon marked Easy Step near the top of the screen (to the left of the Save icon.