I am a counselling therapist. Am I reporting the amounts that I earned from seeing clients as my "professional fees" in the T2125?



For tax purposes, you should only select "Professional" if you were a Lawyer, Engineer, Notary, Veterinarian, Chartered or certified accountant, Physician, Bookkeeper, Surgeon, Architect, Chiropractor, or Psychologist. For other professions or businesses, you should select "Other Type of Business."

Your professional income includes all fees you receive for goods or services you provide, whether you receive or will receive money, something the same as money (such as credit units that have a notional monetary value), or something from bartering. This income generally includes the value of your work-in-progress (WIP).


Similar question but for a Psychologist.

As a contractor providing counseling, are my fees what the company pays me? My clients pay my employer not me, and they do pay taxes on that transaction, but once my company pays me separately do I put a "0" in the GST/PST/HST field? It seems like the taxes on the transaction are being paid twice.



@TheMrSylvester You would enter what you have been paid. If you are not registered to collect GST/HST then you can enter 0 for that field.