New Member


I've confirmed that my system meets the requirements too and have gone through the display settings again - no difference.  All other applications are working fine, it is just dialog boxes in TurboTax 2017.
New Member


It looks like this version of TurboTax does not work well with multiple monitors.  I disabled one of my monitors and re-opened the application and the dialog boxes appear normal.  @rocket I'm curious if that is the same for you?
Returning Member


Agreed Mark.  I do have a dual monitor setup and disabling does indeed show normal sized text.  I will add this to my open ticket.  Thanks.
Intuit Alumni


Thanks for sharing that info with us, it will certainly help other users and I will pass along the info to our team.


I continue to have this problem using one monitor and having tried the alternate fixes.
Intuit Alumni


@richard1944 see added info on changing Windows settings for message box in previous answer.


I continue to have this problem.  The font in the very first message box re registration is so large that the message and option buttons are almost unintelligible.  Then when I go to any line item that opens a message box, the fill-in is nearly impossible or impossible.  E.g., when I go to T-5 Eligible dividends, the message box requires info from boxes 24, 25, 26 of the T-5.  The first line in the message box is "actual amount of" instead of "actual amount of dividends".  Then the fill-in will only accept 6 digits and fouls up the cents entry in every case.  This makes the software worthless to me.  I use Windows 10.  The control panel shows no "display properties".  When I search the control panel for "appearance" or "message text" I get nothing.


I believe I have solved it.  After hours of trying to get my desktop to display properly, I loaded the program on my laptop, running Windows 7.  Miracle of miracles, it worked.  The message boxes were all normal.  Data entry worked.  So, I set about to do my taxes.  But, working with the small screen of the laptop was a drag, so I attached the laptop to a larger, external monitor.  All good.  The external monitor has a pivot functionality, and I prefer to work in portrait, so I rotated from landscape.  Bingo, the message boxes as displayed on the external monitor were again distorted, but normal on the laptop in landscape.  My desktop monitor is in portrait, but when rotated to landscape Turbotax's message boxes were normal.

It took me many hours to inadvertently come upon this design flaw in the software.
What kind of compensation can I expect?
Returning Member


Yes.  Changing the system display properties has no effect on the dialogue popup boxes.  The font is too big and goes outside the frames.  Please see attached.


I guess Intuit hasn't seen fit to fix this problem. I noticed this issue last year and somehow got around it. I just installed the new version for 2022 and bingo, same problem. I have 3 monitors, and it is not practical for me to shut 2 of them down whenever I want to work on my taxes.


I'm an I.T. professional so I run many applications on my desktop, and none of them have ever exhibited this behaviour. I don't want to move away from TurboTax, but if Intuit isn't interested in fixing this problem, I may need to do that.


What have others done to work around this problem?