
You can also make the appropriate change and mail it in rather than trying to netfile a special situation.
New Member


Hi there, no T4A slip was not issued for "Payment in Lieu of notice" instead, because this payment is considered income from employment for payroll purpose, therefore is included in your earnings on your T4 slip.  Now, if your job gave you the cash and then you made the deposit, then it is not a transfer, it is just a contribution.  Did your job put the money in your RRSP? Had you provide them with your RRSP banking information, then this would be a transfer.
You can very well, claim the RRSP contribution as a regular contribution without specifying that it is a transfer.
New Member


My employer gave me UNTAXED cash and I deposited it into an RRSP account. So I believe I have to show that it went into an RRSP (because it was untaxed) but not claim the tax deduction because no taxes were taken off. That is why I used the RRSP transfer option to reduce my taxable income by the PIL amount.

Are you saying that I should just treat it like a regular RRSP deposit, even though I have a T1213 on file, so that the RRSP contribution reduces my income tax amount? Would that not result in a double RRSP tax credit?