
What version of TurboTax did you use?


If you used TurboTax Online, we store a PDF copy of your filed returns for up to 7 years. This FAQ has info on how to find your filed returns:

If you are still not able to find your TurboTax Online return, this FAQ may help you find it:



If you used TurboTax CD/Download, your tax files are only stored on your computer. We don’t keep any copies. Check your “Documents” folder for a “TurboTax” folder, as that is where the software stores its files by default. You can also use Windows search to look for “.tt19”, as this is the file extension TurboTax used for 2019 returns.


If you no longer have your tax files, you can still get the information contained in your return from the CRA using their My Account service: