Cra error code 84 561

I can't file netfile because of CRA error code 84 and then 561 referencing tuition amounts and Schedule 11. I've entered everything correctly in TurboTax  and thinking this may be a code issue? 

New Member


I have the same issue. Seems you have to mail it in, according to other commenters. Turbotax seems to be ignoring or denying there is a glitch in the software. 

New Member


Okay. I solved it and turbotax actually has it right. Use the Canada Training Credit Limit on NOA from 2021 for 2023 tax returns, not the Canada Training Credit number shown on your 2022 NOA, which is the amount you claimed last year. 


Seems it takes the CRA two years to update this credit. 


You have your years wrong, we are filing 2022 now, not 2023. Last year NOA  was the 2021 NOA.

Schedule 11 Line 4 states to enter CTC from latest NOA, which was 2021.

I did this and I get the same error.

I also had unused 2021 tuition fees, did anyone else get this error and had unused 2021 tuition fees.


Yeah I think it's a code issue. I put the amount in from my 2021 NOA but said no to claim it this year. We have till 65 to use it. I'll just try next year. I've sent in my complaint to Turbo Tax. Service was terrible and no way to contact other than phone.


I had to print and mail in my tax return.

My tuition fees for this year and last year (which I carried forward) were exactly the same. So it may look like I entered the tuition twice, but in fact it was 2022 tuition (32000), and unused provincial 2021 tuition (Line 1 of MB(S11)).


Thank you for your feedback on this issue. We will look into this issue, I will send it to the appropriate department. 



New Member


I also have this issue, CRA code 84, #561.  CRA won't accept netfile.  It's an issue regarding schedule 11 Line 59140 must equal lines 32000 minus 45350 for Canada training credits plus 32001.  The thing is once I subtract 45350 from 32000, it does equal 59140.  I've double checked my Canada training credit amount as well and this is correct.  Everything checks out. Has anyone found a solution to this? maybe I will mail it in.


I called the helpline and after going over the numbers the solution was to mail it in as they said there was no reason it should be failing. So I had to mailed it in.


Please double check that you have correctly entered the amount of Canada training credit limit for the year.


Also make sure you are eligible to claim the Canada Training Credit or the annual accumulation of $250.


To claim the Canada Training Credit for a taxation year:

  • you file an income tax and benefit return for the year;
  • your Canada training credit limit for the year is greater than zero (Check your NOA from last year);
  • you are resident in Canada throughout the year;
  • tuition or fees are paid to an eligible educational institution in respect of the year; and
  • the tuition and fees are otherwise eligible for the existing tuition tax credit.


To claim the annual accumulation of $250:

  • you must be over 26 and under 65 at the end of the tax year.
  • file a tax return for the year;
  • be resident in Canada throughout the year;
  • have a total of $10,000 or more of income from:
    • maternity and parental benefits, and
    • working income (income from an office or employment, business income, the taxable part of scholarship income and research grants, the tax-exempt part of earnings of status Indians and emergency service volunteers, and income under the Wage Earner Protection Program Act).
  • have individual net income for the year that does not exceed the top of the third tax bracket in that year ($155,625 in 2022).


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.