Is anyone else experiencing glitches with expenses section that launched a few days ago? Why did it allow me to fill it all in and yet now it's showing as all blank?

I filled in all my small business expenses (office supplies, licences and dues, banking fees, etc) and it clearly registered my data entry because it made my tax refund total in the top left hand corner go up. Yay! But when I went back to double check my data entry, that whole section is now showing as not having been filled in at all. Anyone else experiencing this and any idea how we get word to the tech staff at Intuit to get this fixed. Interesting, I'm still showing as having the same refund coming back despite that section having mysteriously gone blank.


Yes!! Thank goodness it’s not just me. I’ve entered all of my expenses and they still show I’ve done so, even after logging out and back in. However, nothing changes in the self-employment section OR at the end under annual side-by-side comparison. It’s like it didn’t calculate my expenses at all. 


@christinaperessi The expenses are still there and are still part of the net self-employment income calculations, but they are not displaying properly.


We are aware of this issue and are looking into it. We apologize for the inconvenience.


@emilyloumac Which expenses did you enter? 


I’ve entered vehicle expenses, home office-use, and other expenses. None are reflected in my net self-employment income and the vehicle expenses are not even showing as having been “started”. 


@emilyloumac You might be having a second issue, but unfortunately, we have to wait for the main issue to be fixed.

New Member


I can't find class # 10.1 for my UCC from last year, and I'm also experiencing issues with my expenses not actually being deducted from my reportable income. 

This issue was reported three weeks ago. Is there any progress to report? Is there a way for me to proceed using turbotax online or should I go get a paper copy to use?

Thank You!


@Plinkey Please clear your browser cache (or use a different browser) and try again. You can also try deleting the expenses (use the trash can) and then re-add them.


I am having the opposite issue, I did not enter any employment expenses and yet my  income tax form is showing a $2600 deduction.  I have gone in and checked to make sure I did not enable this and I have no idea where this amount is coming from.  Is this a glitch? 




Is it by chance an amount from one of your T-slips. You may want to verify each one and their amounts.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.


I checked this there are no amounts showing expenses under my T-slips.