I have the Standard program. ON 479-A is not available but calculating and forwarding the incorrect amount to ON 479 line 63050.

The program is calculating the Family Adjusted Income with adding the spouses net income, therefore, it is too high and incorrect. I cannot overide line 63050 and there is no access to form ON 479-A


The ON479-A is called ONCARE in TurboTax CD/Download forms mode. 


Thank you for clarifying the name of the form.  I suggest Turbotax name the form ON479-A in future or cross reference the search results for ON479-A in Forms Lookup to ONCARE.  I have this issue every year and it's easy to forget to fill out the form since it's difficult to find.  The default calculation only includes the person's income with the lower net income for calculation purposes and not family income.  I suggest that if the couple is doing the return together and showing as married that the default be the total of the person taking the child care expenses deduction plus the spouse's net income (total family net income necessary for calculation purposes).   




You're welcome and thank you for the feedback, we appreciate it.


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