I already paid for the license but it didnt goes thru my tax file, how am i gonna get my money back?

I already paid my license thru my aunt's credit card with her consent. but the problem i am a new tax filer so it didn't goes through. i need to file it manually. how am i gonna get the refund from the license that i paid?


If you are filling for the first time you will have to send your return by mail. To print out a copy for the CRA (with barcode), follow the steps on how to NETFILE, but on the “Filing your return(s)” page, click on the “Print & Mail Your Returns” button instead. https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/2647647


Here is where you can mail your return: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/contact-information/where-mail-your-paper-t1-retur...


You can contact our phone support team using this form (*Not available for TurboTax Free users*): https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/3152013