Returning Member


I am getting the message that Schedule 3 is locked and unavailable. I have no need for Schedule 3 as I have no capital gains or losses. I spent an hour with product support from Turbo Tax and we reviewed the return and confirmed I did everything correctly. My return does not have a capital gains claim. We even confirmed on the forms drive that all values are 0. How can unlocking Schedule 3 help me? Very disappointed in this product.


Same problem. I spent 3 hrs on the telephone with them and they still couldn't solve the problem. Then the girl told me I should maybe try the online version and that it would be free. I spent another 2 hrs redoing the taxes and when it was time to submit they wanted 90$ NO THANK YOU! 

Worst is that I can't even save the pdf file or print it out to send by mail.

I have never been so frustrated doing taxes as this year. 

I'm going to ask for a refund if this is not settled by the end of the month!


The forms that they list are not even forms that I am using on my taxes. That is what is so frustrating about all this.  It's nice for them to say wait but when you have a nice refund and need the money it is very frustrating. Why do you think people do their taxes as early as possible?



@LR1959 Please try clearing the unneeded forms and then closing unused forms. You can find those options under Edit>Forms in the top menu.