I started my 2024 tax return early this year (Nov or early Dec). When I went back to complete it the return was missing. The customer service person said it was deleted.

I was told that I had entered my information before TurboTax 2024 was active. Can someone please explain to me how it is that a person could be allowed to essentially complete an entire tax return on a platform that wasn't even active. If this is what happened it is an outrageously poor business practice and a complete waste of several hours of my time.


TurboTax Online for 2021, 2022 & 2023 were all available before 2024 was launched. So, you may have inadvertently used one of the older versions of the software when preparing the return.


You can login to TurboTax Online 2022 here: https://ww1.2022.ca.turbotaxonline.intuit.com/

You can login to TurboTax Online 2023 here: https://ww1.2023.ca.turbotaxonline.intuit.com/


TurboTax Online for 2021 was discontinued when 2024 became available.



I wish that was the case, but I went through this all with a customer service representative and we could not find it in an earlier year. A great deal of my time was wasted with TurboTax this year and I will not be using it again.


@charles-mcarthur Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, we cannot retrieve deleted returns.