Intuit Alumni


If you are using the TTO (online), you will need the Assist and Review option.

You can add this to your return from the top right corner on your screen --> click on Live Tax Advice --> Upgrade 

Once you agree on the upgrade, the price will be added to your return before Netfiling

To access the feature --> on the right corner of the top bar --> click on expert help --> ask the question, enter your information, and click confirm

If you want a full review --> from the left menu --> review --> expert review --> you can schedule a time to go over your return


If you are using the TTD (desktop), you will need the Pro-Review option:

To purchase The "Life Assist and Review" --> go the left menu under "Review" --> click on "Assist and review" --> 

On the main screen click on the box "I want my return reviewed"

The price will be added to the return before Netfiling 

To ask for help --> use the support icon on the top blue bar --> fill your information and confirm


I hope this was helpful