Intuit Alumni


  1. Medical Expenses: if you prepare returns together, it is optimized to add all the medical expenses under one taxpayer with the lowest net income to maximize the refund. Otherwise, you have to prepare two separate returns or use TurboTax Desktop/Download to override: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/community/tax-credits-expenses/help/how-do-i-enter-my-medical-e...
  2. Attendant care: CRA rule > to claim the DTC, the attendant care claim cannot exceed $10,000. Or, disregard the DTC and claim more than $10,000 in attendant care. If you are claiming the DTC, you can not claim $1 in nursing home expenses, you have to choose between both. 
  3. As for the payment: in prior years, the self-employed product was more extensive and the spouse return was for $19.99. This year we offer this product for less for both returns. The business sheet T2125 is available in all our products, you have the choice to use any other product or use the self-employed for both spouses for better optimization, or file separate returns.

  If you still have issues, please contact our support line:  https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/


I hope this was helpful