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How to I downgrade premier option?

3 Replies

How to I downgrade premier option?

Hi @aram_coulter,


Unfortunately you cannot downgrade after starting or upgrading to a particular product. If the upgrade was due to your tax situation you will need to keep the upgrade in order to file. If the upgrade was in error unfortunately you'd need to restart your return. You can also contact our support team for additional assistance:


Returning Member

How to I downgrade premier option?

After self-filing with Turbotax for years, in 2023 I upgraded to the TurboTax Live Full Service Deluxe 2023.  I want to return to "File Myself"  but am being forced to TurboTax Live Full Service Premier. Please help me select my own option for filing in 2024. Also, after logging in, I discovered that Turbotax did not remember any of my personal details. I am being asked to reenter everything,(name, SIN, address etc.) Isn't that the point of having an account and using your product year-over-year? If I cannot downgrade I will use another tool.

How to I downgrade premier option?

@kajabu, when you sing in to your account, it should give you the option to start a new 2024 return. In "which of these applied to you in 2024" pages, select all that may apply. Then click on "I can do it on my own" (see screenshot).



On "How did you do your taxes last year?", select TurboTax Online. 


At some point during this process, it will be important to use the option "create a different return". If you don't want to use the same product as last year, you have to avoid importing your personal data from this previous year. It's not only importing your personal data, it also import the product you used. Unfortunately, for this year, you'll have to enter your personal information manually. 


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