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I cannot find the form T2 SCH 6 E (21) "Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property (2011 and later tax years)" in my version of TurboTax Premier 2023

Won a lottery home - I'm told this is where I declare it
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I cannot find the form T2 SCH 6 E (21) "Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property (2011 and later tax years)" in my version of TurboTax Premier 2023

Congratulations on winning a home.


The T2SCH6 Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property is a form for T2 business returns, so it's not available in TurboTax Premier or other TurboTax products for T1 personal returns. Our Business Incorporated version does have the form.


As per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) it is a "Form for use by corporations that have disposed of capital property or claimed an allowable business investment loss, or both, in the taxation year." You may want to contact the CRA to verify if the information you received is correct.


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