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NetFile not working

Update happened yesterday and I checked the forms today and they all appear to be the final versions, including Schedule 3 and everything related to capital gains/losses.  Closed all unused forms, though some remained open.  Reset the unused forms and was able to close all but the Principal Residence Designation Worksheet.  Still wouldn't let me Netfile stating as I am reporting gain/loss on Schedule 3, some other unnamed forms (??) still need to be certified by CRA.  Deleted return and started fresh inputting all the same information.  Sadly arrived at same dead end.  Curiously there were even more unused forms that had to be closed than before the latest update.  Managed to get them all closed minus the same Principal Residence one.  When I try and save PDF copy, I get the same error message "At time of manufacturing...." 


NetFile not working

I am somewhat disappointed with Intuit's support.  I called for help and the girl automatically assumed I was using TT online rather than DT (desktop) version.  When I asked her if she was well versed in the DT version she said "NO".  Instead of any particular TS, she had me redo my whole process as if starting almost from scratch which accomplished 2 things

  1. same error
  2. transferring me to 2nd line support.  

20 minutes into the call...


Accomplished NOTHING.

She also tried to write off the issue right away blaming CRA.  I crushed that instantly by telling her I had NO PROBLEM filing to the Federal but rather that filing to Provincial was the problem.  Agents seem a little dismissive from what  have experienced with them as well as what I read here.  Intuit needs to do a better job disciplining their agents, and I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!   Veteran tech support for 18 years with lots of plaques and awards to prove it.  THIS is NOT quality support.

Remind me, isn't Quebec the only province that files separate taxes for provincial and Federal?  If so, why ask me from which province I am if I JUST TOLD HER, "the provincial form is the only one not working, giving the same error all the time about final copies of forms....etc."  Seems to me active listening is also weak.

So after waiting another 5 minutes on hold, I was escalated yet to ANOTHER department before even speaking to the 2nd department.  Lot of "pass the buck" if you ask me.

50 minutes into the call and waiting...

She is speaking to an escalation department who asked if I imported data from last year which TT does automatically.  Their suggestion was to start over and do a new return.  BS!!!!!!!!!  30 minutes to get one question through.  This is the support I paid for when I bought their product?  Starting to see why people are choosing the online version.  You get billed ONLY if you are filing your taxes I believe?  

Asked to speak to a supervisor or directly to the other department's agent.

Getting nowhere with these people

59 minutes and STILL waiting for a supervisor.

Agent refused to give her badge/agent ID or last name.  I can understand for last name, but agent ID they are usually supposed to provide.  STILL Waiting for a supervisor

1:30 minutes still waiting.  Wonder which will give in first.  My patience or my phone battery.

Now requested to fill in a supervisor form.

1 hour 52 minutes and supervisor will call me back



NetFile not working

Must say....been using TurboTax for years with no issues


Can't believe its such a S$%t Show this year

NetFile not working

andreacasale: Likewise and well said.  Agree 100% with you


Also, after the almost 2 hours, my phone battery DID actually drain out...  Good thing I had another phone or 2.


On the phone with revenue Quebec now and more A$$HOLES there too.  Trying to pass the buck and wipe their hands of responsibility by throwing the blame back to Intuit.  This is typical arrogant and selfish behavior of this government.  Over 30 min on the phone with them too.  This is turning out to be a real waste of my time!  They just confirmed ALL their forms have been completed and finalized.  So this means intuit is now to blame.

NetFile not working

OMG I was able to file it!!  I cleared one form and closed it.  Was a form that starts with TP-and some numbers.  Was for something relating to property.  Because there was values in 2016, it kept re-including the form every year.  THAT IS PATHETIC!!


I cleared the form, CLOSED IT and was able to submit my return!

NetFile not working

@crazyal0111 Good to know that you were able to Netfile. All the locked forms will be unlocked and ready by the 20th of March, 2025, and you will be able to print/save/Netfile. 

NetFile not working

Actually I heard that song and dance already for Feb 24, March 15, March 17, and end of March of 2025, so you'll forgive me if I say I don't trust any info provided by Intuit at this point.  On top of which there are various bugs I spotted on the application this year and I'm NOT going to bother reporting them after the fiasco of service I received from Intuit over the phone.  

Besides the fact that a supervisor was supposed to call me within 30 minutes of my talk with the agent but never did, an agent who, by her own admission had NO knowledge of how to use Turbotax Desktop version; wasted my time, kept me waiting on the line, playing intermediary between me and a higher level tech, who btw was NO HELP either but instead could only find to recommend I try doing a clean start of a new filing WITHOUT importing previous data.  Tried that and got about half way before getting the same message.  Is this how Intuit educates their agents to work?  Deplorable.  Franky I think Intuiit should refund me for the software after all the time I wasted.

No, sorry I won't take at face value what you said about March 20.  

Regardless, I was already able to save, print and submit my returns by figuring out the flaw in the application and resolving it myself.  You program is bringing back forms that may have been used 5 or 6 years ago but refuses to close them if the current year has no values.


Someone should be fired for this year's version of Turbo Tax.

NetFile not working

TurboTax update this morning. Can file... now!  Except, my netfile has been rejected.  Errors with my capital gains form. Can't figure out how to fix it.

NetFile not working

if you have no capital games, clear the form, then close it.  Seems to be an issue this year with TurboTax carrying over forms used in previous years over to this year REGARDLESS of whether they are used or not.  The form carried over in my case had not been used since 2016 I think.  Why in the world would it need it 9 years later?????  

NetFile not working

My conspiracy theory.


After the latest software update, I submitted my taxes (netfile). It rejected twice (capital gains issues). I ended up deleting my T3s and cleared Schedule 3. I re-entered my T3s... submitted and it was accepted! I did my wife's a couple of moments later and it was accepted on the first go (almost identical return, but no capital games).



My wife's return was accepted and her status switched to "Assessed" in a matter of seconds.

My return, which was accepted on the 3rd attempt and is stuck in "In Process".

I have a feeling my return has now been flagged for an audit.! The first two attempts must have been different from the third. I feel like they are getting their fine tooth comb out!