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NetFile not working

hope not....

NetFile not working

I had mine rejected too due to what CRA sadi was a mismatch in capital gains from my T3 reported on Schedule 3 and on form T936.  The fix for me was twofold.  First, I didn't split it with my spouse as that seemed to cause part of the error (we're only talking $44 in capital gains) - this means I put 100% in the entry field.  Second, Box 52 and Box 53 of the T3 was causing the other part of the error - the difference between the two boxes were the before June/after June piece which is now irrelevant.  Turbotax puts the before June amount in box 17599 of Schedule 3 and the after June amount in box 17600.  Seems CRA only recognizes box 17600, so the fix was to put the entire capital gains amount in the Box 53 entry field for the T3 resulting in it going into box 17600 in Schedule 3.  Once this was done, my and my spouse's taxes were accepted.  I never went back to resplit the capital gains, so only the second part might be needed for the fix.  Hope this helps.

NetFile not working

I 100% agree with you. I was also able to file after overwriting some of tutbo taxes forms and deleting others. It is also noteworthy that most of the agents know very little about taxes and program. If you had never done a paper return or many taxes before relying on this program may not be the way to go.   

NetFile not working


it went through

NetFile not working

Although my fictional Schedule 3 and principal residence designation issues have resolved with one of this week's updates, I am now receiving an error code 95033 message (QPP calculations) on Netfiling with the CRA. It pertains to Line 50310 of the Netfile Summary ( which originates from the Schedule 8 QPP calcs). If I try to override ant of the relevant fields, Netfile states that the return is not eligible for Netfile. So frustrating.

New Member

NetFile not working

I can’t Netflix  tax.  I have had errors with t3 slips that don’t ever get fixed even though everything looks right and data has been loaded multiple times.  When I try to bypass problem and net file it only allows a partial net file number of digits into space three digits short.  Also show errors for things that don’t count like error for selling a house  or not.  I never sold. My house.  

I want my money back or on line help totally frustrating product.  I have used turbo tax for many years but this year.. hateful.  Ready to ignore and go paper submission and request a refund. 


Anyone else with these issues?  Jim b