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CPP contribution was incorrect

My CPP contributions amount was incorrect by Turbotax. CRA adjusted automatically after filing. First time using Turbotax, just wondering if that happens often?


Thank you,


1 Reply

CPP contribution was incorrect

For which province the return was filed? 


It can happened in different situation. Was is for a TurboTax Online or Desktop. Sometimes, when a customer is using Auto-fill from CRA and the T-Slips are not reviewed before NETFILE, it can have some information missing (like the province) or amounts that were not in the importation. It s really important to always verify each T-Slip.


Because we do not have access to your tax return, we can't explain the exact reason for your situation. But, if you want, you can contact our product support team by phone. They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and see if the issue has to be escalated into an investigation.

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