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Joint spouse filing with premium

I am using premier for the first time this year. I always do my husband’s and my taxes jointly and it has always been included in the standard and deluxe versions. This year when I clicked to start a joint return, it told me it would cost $80 ($40 per return) and yet their marketing indicates that it should be included. Why is it trying to charge me? 

3 Replies

Joint spouse filing with premium

If you are preparing a joint return using the same version of TurboTax Online, you will have to pay per return for two returns ($40 per return).  To check product and pricing please visit this page, it clearly indicates that price is as per return. 


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New Member

Joint spouse filing with premium

I am not using the online version, it was purchased from Costco. The product description clearly stated that joint filing is included, yet the program is trying to charge me.

Joint spouse filing with premium

If you look at the TurboTax box that you purchased, can you please tell me what it says? Is it TurboTax Online, or TurboTax Download Online? The reason you would be charged twice is only because you may not have activated your license code. 


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