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Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

I need to install the software on 3 computers.

6 Replies

Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

New Member

Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

I have 3 adult sons and a spouse. I will file for both my spouse and I (from one computer), and the boys will file one return each (from 3 separate computers) :  so 4 computers in all.


TurboTax (Download) Premiere is the version we would choose, and while it allows up to 12 returns it may only be installed on 3 computers.  This means one son would have to spend another $60 for a single Online return.


This seems dumb.  Is there a workaround to this situation? 


Thanks- pa

Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

@PaulAON As per the TurboTax Desktop Software End User Licence Agreement:


You may: (i) install and use the Software on up to three (3) computers; (ii) make one backup copy of the Software solely for archival or replacement purposes, which copy shall also be subject to this Licence Agreement; and (iii) print and/or netfile up to the number of returns included with the Software. Your valid licence code is required for all of the above. You understand and agree that any re-installations of the Software on the same computer (for example in the case of a hard-drive crash or replacement of your computer) will count as installations for the purposes of the three-computer limit above.


So if two people in your family can't share a computer with each other, then yes, someone will need to get their own copy of TurboTax Desktop.  




New Member

Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

We all live in different places.  Seems like it would be easier for you to allow a12 computers for 12 returns, than for us to FedEx laptops around the country.

Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

@PaulAON This limit has been part of the TurboTax Desktop Software End User Licence Agreement for many years and is unlikely to be changed.


Another option is to use TurboTax Online. Anybody who has access to the account where the Activation Code was used can use the pre-purchased returns, in any modern browser or on their Android/IOS device. You can get TurboTax Online multi-return packages from 3rd party retailers like Costco.

New Member

Can I install the premier edition on three computers? If not can i upgrade to do so?

That sounds worth a look, I will check them out.  Thanks.