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spouse income error

I am trying to complete my taxes but when it comes to entering my spouses income I get an error. When I enter net income (line 23600) it says "your spouse's net income (line 23600) should be calculated by subtracting social benefit repayments (line 23500) from their net income before adjustments (line 23400)."

I have my spouses net income but the system won't allow me to continue due to this error. We cannot also find line 23400 anywhere. 

3 Replies

spouse income error

line 23400 is the net income before adjustment and if there is no amount on line 23500, 23400 will be the same as 23600.


We suggest you to verify all your spouse T-Slips, if all information is accurate.


If the issue persist, we suggest you to contact our product support team


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

spouse income error

This is happening to me as well. I called turbo tax and spoke with someone (2 agents actually). Since I am doing this on my phone using the turbo tax mobile app, the Agent was able to do a screen share. The Agent was not familiar with this kind of error.  I had the phone on speaker so that my wife could verify her information for net income, since that is the only thing that applied to her Tax return. Anyhow, long story short - there was no solution other than being advised to try again another day. I'm thinking maybe a bug in the app? Not sure, but I would really love a solution to this.

spouse income error

Can you please let us know which TurboTax product you are using so that we can verify? Is it TurboTax Online or Desktop version? 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.