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There is no option "forgot my password". So how do I change my password?

5 Replies

There is no option "forgot my password". So how do I change my password?

Is the email address that you have on your account still valid? Please answer Yes or No.

New Member

There is no option "forgot my password". So how do I change my password?

How do I change my password

New Member

There is no option "forgot my password". So how do I change my password?

How do I change my password


New Member

There is no option "forgot my password". So how do I change my password?

My email address is the I need to change my password....Professor1

There is no option "forgot my password". So how do I change my password?

@kneider To change your TurboTax password:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Sign in & Security
  3. Click on Password

Then you’ll be able to change your password.